
try sit still

Monday, April 6, 2009

21 dec. 2007

illegitimate child let me tell you a story of yr ancestors nevermind the distance lingering so close in yr past we wont talk abou tit because thats over and theres no more to talk about right? here you can try one of these if you like but he says oh no no as he reaches for one shes sof t and sweet juust the way shes supposed to be its better for her now without his drink but is it good? divide and conquer i suppose it works out ill cut the firewood and you bake those biscuits and fry me up some okra it all makes sense considering my spirit is broken oh no no its no problem i can sleep in her room i want to sleep in her room yes im crying but i want to oh man wait til i tell the boys the boat about my hairy lesbian vegetarian sister nevermind the fact i never said i was a lesbian i wont correct you this time you should really reconsider this whole vegetarian thing each meal how bout a piece a ham? i reckon this here steak is mighty tasty sure you dont want some? i know you eatin it in the bathroom after were alls leepin make sure you shave those pits before i see ya again yhear? i didnt go sleeveless but you did why dont you have to? why would a pretty little thing like you go to all that trouble to make yrself to ugly? it was no trouble at all really in fact thats the point as you walk around with yr belly hangin out havent seen you in years but youll use this time to complain complain about the rest of my blood and how they must have something against you im yr granddaughter you know im here talkin to you oh yr sorry thats alright i suppose ill understand lets all gather round a laugh til our guts split over the young impressionable young boy of the east coast while he tells us about the mexicans and the italians and the blacks the blacks the blacks shoulda been thrown overboard we got too much spaghetti in this country but the worse problem is we got too many italians in this country theres more of them than us these days yknow he asks well how do you think we got here grasshopper? perhaps half our blood spurted out the earth were living off but the other half yr blood bloodied that half whatcha think about that? then theres little black purr i thoguht was just a baby it turns out shes a mama go figure she keeps close i like her there of course theres blonde and auburn glass eyed hoverer maybe ill get to saddle him up and we can hover together hes an old man now yknow and her belongings are all right where she left em shed like it that i snuck little purr in firelight trivia sans board keeps us up all night though you have to break yr back some more at dawn til dusk an encylopedia you are the brilliance of you both frightens my scatteredness even though im here my night thoughts filled with geometric patterns an d lucid dreaming where am i GOING? can you hear that? neither can i

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